Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.”- Albert Einstein


Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For I know what I have planned for you, says the Lord. “I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.”


Romans 8:28 (NIV)

And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God.


Was it coincidence that Bruce’s sermon (what I heard of it…. unhappy baby = early dismissal for momma) last Sunday was on humbling yourself before God after I shared my thoughts on humility? Or that George’s lesson earlier tonight touched on it again? Was it coincidence that the prayer George shared struck a cord with Caleb that spurred him on to writing to us tonight and mentioning a book he’s decided to read, that had previously been mentioned several times today? Or how about this, is it a coincidence that every single verse of scripture I’ve chosen to write about this past week has come back to me in some obvious, unmistakable, clear as a bell, straight forward, blinking lights, Hey Aubrey I’m Speaking To You, kind of way?

It’s as simple as this, I don’t believe in coincidences. There’s been too many times in my life that I’ve witnessed things that were so obviously coordinated by God, that the idea of coincidence is humorous. Now, in the moment I’m oblivious, but in hindsight I see that it was God’s hand steering my little ship of life through those stormy seas.

It sure wasn’t coincidence that bumped me into a long lost friend at the courthouse a couple years ago, who invited me to come to a Sunday school party. Where I met my future husband and a group of people who quickly became invaluable to me. I look back on that time in my life and I don’t have to wonder what brought me to where I am now. Now I have a relationship with the Most Awesome Father, a mansion for eternity with my name on it, the comfort of knowing that I’m loved unconditionally. I had no clue then, no clue on what I was missing out on and no clue that “chance” encounter would change my life in such a unbelievable way.

In Luke 1 we are told about Zechariah and Elizabeth, described as righteous and as walking blamelessly in the sight of God. It was God, not coincidence that these two married and even in their old age were able conceive and give birth to John The Baptist.


I would encourage you to stick with examples of couples in the Bible. Luke 1 talks of two such couples. Elizabeth and Zechariah, for example. Both were righteous and walked blamelessly in the sight of God. They were the proud parents of John the Baptist, if you remember...such a man needed to have Godly parents so God MUST have planned for them to be together so as to fulfill the Scriptures of Jesus having a forerunner. It definitely wasn't by accident that they ended up together.

I believe that miracles happen every day, some are small, like leaving the house a few minutes late and coming up on a friend stranded on the side of the road who’s car just ran out of gas. (I’m the one on the side of the road, incase you are wondering.) Some are pretty big, like running your mouth a little too long during afternoon pick up at the elementary school, and realizing once your back home and your little girl beats you up the stairs, that only minutes before your house was broken into and had you not stopped to chat your life could have suddenly turned very dark. Some are huge, like an un-wed virgin who conceived the Son of God, sent to save little ole’ me.

Why am I ok about praying for anything and everything but skeptical when He talks back? Why do I still sit in amazement when I realize that it was Him working through that event or that random person in my life?

“Coincidence is god’s way of remaining anonymous.” He is there for every little “unimportant” moment, He does speak to us, it may take a while to realize but how great is that blessing once you do?




Peace out…


Monday, March 14, 2011

A thirst for Jesus

Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NIV)
These commandments that I give you today are to be in your hearts, impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

I can’t afford to wait for my children to pick up a bible and read for themselves about God. It’s my responsibility as a parent to stand in the gap on their behalf, teaching them the bible, praying with and for them, and setting a Christian foundation for them to build on.

How could I expect my children to live a Godly life if they don’t see it in me?
My role as a mom is something I take very serious; I think I’ve done a decent job thus far. However I’m human and I make mistakes, I have weaknesses and imperfections. I try to set a good example; I try to always live for Him, for them. I realize that I need His help to raise my children; I need His strength and wisdom.

The phrase “train up” in the Ancient Hebrew language speaks of a midwife who would dip her finger into crushed dates then put them into the mouth of a newborn baby. The purpose was to stimulate the thirst for milk. So the idea is that the phrase “train up a child” means to create a thirst within in them.

In Deuteronomy 6:6-7 Moses is telling us that what we teach our children must be real to us first. Our faith in Jesus Christ should reflect in every aspect of our lives, it’s something we should talk about not just at church, at a set time or on a set day. We should talk with our children about Jesus all the time – when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. It’s when I teach them by example that He is a part of everything I do, that I will create in them a thirst for Him.

I pray for your help Lord, as a parent. Give me the strength and wisdom to raise my children in your honor. Please supply what I lack. Help me to keep my children on the path that leads to eternal life. Guide me in teaching them of the joy of your presence through a daily relationship with you. Allow my commitment to raising these children for your glory cause their lives to forever testify to you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a hem of His garment....

Romans 12:3 (NIV)
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Philippians 2:3 (NIV)
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, with humility value others above yourselves…”
By humbling ourselves we will become humble, by giving thanks we will become thankful.

 Humility is to me the act of resisting the temptation to look to the world or my own abilities for fulfillment of my needs.  It requires an unwavering trust and patience with God.
All the time I’m looking to God for help, for an answer to a problem in my life. I tend to get impatient with God when that help or answer doesn’t come in my time frame, when I want it. It’s when I quit attempting to “fix” it myself, when I quit worrying, when I humbly give it all to Him and realize that I will never be able to do it alone and without Him I’m nothing, that it becomes very clear that He was in control of that situation the whole time. Even after witnessing this result time and time again, I’m not to a point where I can fully let go without hesitation.
If I want to do great things for the Lord I should become humble before Him. It’s when I realize that all I am is but a little servant of our Lord, that God will use me in a mighty way. It is not my schedule, my purpose, my plan that God wants to bless, it’s God’s schedule, God’s plan, God’s purpose for my life that He will bless to overflowing.

 In a conversation yesterday with Natalie we discussed her expanding on the Word Warrior blog. She explained the reason why she started it, to share His word with her family and friends, to encourage others to study scripture and tell them what God was doing in her life. In my opinion she should be proud of her “little blog that could”, it’s grown with time and it has become such a blessing to the tons of people that read it, but she was quick to tell me, it would be nothing without His blessing. I can’t imagine how much work goes into her weekly posts, what an effort it is to prepare for. She is determined and hard working but not boastful, she gives God all the glory.
Humbling yourself is as simple as suppressing your pride when it starts to swell up
It's not the glorified job you do for all to see it's the job you do when no one’s around that gives Him the glory.
The opposite of humility and humbleness is arrogance and pride. These are the attitudes that say I’m better then you, sometimes to the extent of not respecting another person as if they were unworthy of your interaction. It magnifies our self-interests and our self-sufficiencies, which seem most important, but when we are self-sufficient, we will only fail. Your self will become your god.
Humility will minimize arrogance and will remove pride. It’s a worldly concept and our own weaknesses that cause us to think we are better than we are, and cause us to strive to lift ourselves above others, above God. Humility is admitting that others, and most importantly God, are the ones responsible for all our achievements. Being humble will allow us to be a teachable student with a submissive servant’s attitude.
Christ's life & death were a service & a sacrifice without thought of reputation
Proverbs 29:23 (NIV)
A man’s pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor.
Lord, I pray that while I continue to seek you in every aspect of my life that I can learn to have humility, that by your grace I can come to you a humble servant seeking your blessing on my life. I will strive to give all the praise and all the glory to you, because I know that without you, I’m worthless. I will never be able to figure my life out; I’ll need you every step of the way.

Friday, March 11, 2011

this kid cracks me up

Posted by ShoZu

Here's some our most recent pictures. They've grown a lot haven't they?

These aren't even the most recent pictures of Lily and Waylon, but since I don't have the new ones saved on my lap top yet I'll have to steal them off Facebook to post here. This is all you get for now.

I will be obedient: going where it's uncomfortable to go can be so refreshing

The Sunday School class Andrew and I have been a part of since I joined our church several years ago has transforming in the past few months. We've gotten several new members to the "Oasis Class" and there is a fire that's been lit and is pushing us in new directions of ministry. I'm beyond excited to be a part of this overwhelming experience. To be witness to what He has in store is almost more then I can handle!
We started planning a class retreat a while back, and to help communications on planning and preparing fundraising events we started a message forum of sorts. Of course my class mates take it to an extreme with upwards of one hundred emails a day, and the emails can be way far off in left field at times, but it's brought us closer together as a class, and united us on working on different projects that bring glory to Him.
A couple weeks ago we were challenged to write a devotion by one of these emails, in one way she was just trying to pull us all back in and get us back focused on things less worldly and more holy. I laughed out loud reading that email, and thought she must be really bored at work today. Boy, was I wrong!
So the past few days I've been researching and writing preparing to send out my own devotion for my peers to read. This seemed like a monumental step that was nearly impossible for me to reach. However the overwhelming urge to be obiedent, to relieve my self of the guilty feeling that was gnawing at me was so much stronger then the nervous rush of feeling like I was going to be sick. I'm not the type person that enjoys speaking in front of a crowd, I get so nervous at the thought that my heart races and I start sweating. Writing something for others to read is right up there on my list of what makes me very uncomfortable.
Blogging about my kids is different, they are adorable and it's easy for me to type on and on about them. I know I won't be judged on something cute they did or said, but my opinions on scripture and how it applies to my life? Now that's a whole other bag of chips!
Well I stepped to that ledge of uncertainty, looked down at the dark hole below me and jumped right in. It felt great, I sent the first one out yesterday and I don;t think it would have mattered if I didn't get one response, the happiness I got from immersing my self in His word, reading more and more then praying and writing about what I'd read and how I felt was attitude changing to say the least. As soon as it was sent I couldn't wait to start another, I was thirsty for more and ready to dive into His word again.
So with out further adieu, I'm posting the devotions from yesterday and today for more to read.

Friendship 3.10.11

Most of you know this is so not my thing, however since I read and quickly dismissed Rona’s email challenging us to share a devotion, I haven’t been able to ignore (trust me, I tried) the feeling of guilt, I laughed at the idea, it’s not that funny now. So, I’m taking the devotion challenge! My stomach is in knots and my palms are sweating as I type this, the only way it could be worse is if I had to stand in front of you and read it aloud.

Deep breath…. Here we go…

What we have in our little Sunday school class is something amazing; we are a part of something big. The bonds we have made and are making will forever be fixtures in our lives. I really believe that God has great things in store for us and there are wonderful, unending possibilities ahead if we continue serving Him. With each other’s friendship and His guidance, we will accomplish great things in His name.
That brings me to the subject of my devotion, friendship.

Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoner, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.
Hebrews 13:3 NIV

The word for “friend” in the Native American language means “the one who carries my sorrows on his back”.

We are all bound by life’s difficulties and we all suffer from our own individual struggles. Your friends help by carrying those difficulties and struggles (sorrows) along with their own. It’s great to know that someone cares enough to lighten my load!

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another- and all the more as you see the day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25

I need friends in my life, not to just make me laugh or smile, but friends who love me enough to share what God is doing in their lives and who are willing to hold me accountable for my actions. I need friends who will help me grow to be more like Christ. I have several of these type friends in my life; I’m blessed with these people who care about me and my salvation. I’ve been convicted over my actions before after witnessing how my Christian friend acted and I want my witness to be that example to another friend who may need it.
This is what we should all strive for! Where we fail, we can look to one another for a Godly example. We are all called to grow into His likeness, through His Spirit’s enabling. To be a Christian is to be Christ-like. Being Christians we have The Best Friend, Christ will always accept us and stand by us no matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done and as Christians we should strive to accept and stand by others for His glory.
Very recently I’ve seen God at work in my life in ways I never expected. I know He chose to put people in my life that could help with just what I needed. I also know that God put me in others lives to help with just what they needed. God hasn’t called us to run this race alone; He puts people in our lives to provide encouragement, support and hope. For this, I’m so thankful! Thankful, to carry my friend’s sorrows and have help carrying mine and thankful for those He’s put in my life who continue to point me towards Him.

I’ll wrap it up with this short prayer: Lord, I ask your help to be the friend to others that Christ is to me.

Love ya’ll! Your friend,

The power of your tongue 3.11.11

The next time God lays something on my heart, I will NOT procrastinate! I made myself quit reading/writing at 1:00 this morning and go to bed.
I just checked my email because I’ve been too wrapped up in writing this morning, but wow! When He has something to tell us, He sure can get His point across!

The power of your tongue…

Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)
The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Matthew 12:36-37 (NIV)
“But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every empty word they have spoken. For by tour words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.”

James 3:1-8 (NIV)
1 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check. 3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

James’ description of the tongue really hit home for me. I don’t claim to have the most “lady like” language; at times I’m sure I could have made a sailor cringe. This is something I feel conviction over, it’s something I’ve prayed over and something I’ve worked very hard to overcome. I’m not there yet, I don’t know that I’ll ever be, but it’s something I’ll continue to work on or better yet allow God to work on in me.

The words we use can do one of two things, allow us to be free from blame and without guilt, or pronounce ourselves guilty and unfit for God’s use.

In verse 3 James compares the human tongue to a horse’s bit, this small item can control every action of this huge animal. Much like our tongue, small yes, but if allowed controls one’s entire body.
The tongue is compared to a rudder of a ship in verse 4. I can imagine the sheer magnitude and size of a ship. After a day in Cozumel, Mexico we returned to our cruise ship a few years ago. Walking on that pier toward that mammoth piece of metal made me realize how small I really was. All the power of that ship, which direction it’s going to sail in is controlled by the rudder. How small in comparison, but holds all the control.

Verses 5-8 should really get your attention, I know they did mine.
. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. 7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

The tongue is not only a representation of the evil of the world but sets the course for one’s life on fire. It tells us that the fires of hell fuel an unyielding tongue. Unlike any of the wild animals on earth today, it says that a tongue, my tongue, yours too, is untamable, uncontrollable…. A restless evil full of deadly poison.

Doe this mean that no matter how hard we try, we will never be able to tame our words? To live our lives with fire pouring from our mouths, poisoning those around us?
Not at all, control over our tongues will only come with God’s help, when I feel guilty for saying the S word in the car on the highway, when I only slightly avoided rear-ending the car in front of me, with a certain pastor’s wife in the passenger seat to hear. That’s Him making me aware that I was wrong for what I said, wrong to subject her to the poison coming from my mouth. The need to apologize afterward, that was Him too, even though there was a good chance she didn’t even realize I said it because she was too busy praying that her life wouldn’t come to an end in my car that day. I still wanted to make sure she knew I was sorry for saying it.

In verse 2 it says that we will all stumble in many ways and anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.
I’m far from perfect, and seem to stumble so much that sometimes I think it’s better that I just stay down, but is anyone really perfect besides Christ?
Striving for perfection, to be more like Christ. Striving to keep our whole body, our tongue in check.

What comes from the mouth is what is first in the heart; things roll off the tongue so easily. We wouldn’t quickly kill a man, but would quickly and thoughtlessly speak all kinds of evil about them. At times this could be just as bad, if not worse then taking their life.

A sweet friend of mine constantly tells me to hide His word in my heart. Only recently did this finally click for me. I don’t have many bible verses memorized; there are really only a handful of bible stories I could tell you. Growing up in the Catholic Church was very different then how Lily is growing, she’s learning scripture and wonderful details from the bible that I missed out on. She’s hiding His word in her heart. When I had that aha! Moment not so long ago, I’ve been doing my best to read scripture every day, memorize and quote it, fill my heart so full with it that it’s not only the first thing on my heart but the second, third and last too.
I want the words that come from my mouth to be from Him, not only when I’m quick to speak but also every time I speak.

I pray that I will continue to be constantly convicted over my words. To control the urge and be mindful of how damaging they can be. To keep filling my self with His word so that what I speak will be from Him.

Love y’all….

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's hard to blog with a thirteen month old in your lap

Well, it hasn't been a full year since my last update, nearly but not a full year. The last few months since I last wrote have been a whirlwind of smiles, tears, milestones and fun!

Most recently we celebrated Lily"s 9th birthday, kind of makes my heart beat fast to say that out loud. It makes me realize that next year is double digits, after that comes the teenager, then driving, then, oh man, Ive got to quit before I panic.

We celebrated Lu's big day over an entire weekend, she deserved it! Friday night was our family's dinner at Sumo

Saturday night (I stressed over the most) was her good, old fashion slumber party! We had nine girls including Lily having a blast with tie dye, makeovers, manicures, Just Dance & movies. It really was a success, but I have to give the credit to three of my best friends, Melissa, Leigh Ann & Brandi who came early, stayed late and were my heroes.

Last but not least was Sunday afternoon on which we partied at the skating rink! Now that was the best part of the whole weekend to me, the kids all had fun, skating and playing laser tag. We parents didn't have a bad time though, I'd forgotten how much fun it was to skate, I will be going again soon!

Over all Lu had a great birthday, she's got tons of new stuff, way too much birthday money (she's saving for an ipad!) and a new beginning on a whole year of being nine years old. She is such an amazing kid, how did we get so lucky? She's compassionate, responsible, talented, incredibly smart and at the same time she's silly, hilarious, a goof ball and one of my absolute favorite people ever!

While I'm on birthdays, just a little over a month before our oldest we celebrated our little guy's! Waylon turned one in style with a Yo Gabba Gabba party, he could care less about the presents and people, he wanted the balloons and wrapping paper. Of course he received too many toys and I'm still having trouble finding a place for all of them but you only turn one once, so you might as well do it up right, whether he remembers or not, I'll show him the pictures.

Waylon is growing so quickly! It seems as if it was just yesterday that I was still pregnant and miserable! Impatiently waiting on him to make his arrival! Well he finally did and he's been running ever since! He fits that missing piece of the puzzle of our little family perfectly. Seeing my children grow together and love one another has brought so much joy to my life, Way looks up to and copies everything his Sissy does and Lu adores and dotes over her little bubba. They are too precious!
I'll wrap this one up with the intentions of updating again soon, and more frequently. I would love to figure the whole mobile blogging thing out, since its hard for me to have the chance to sit down for more then a minute in front of my computer.
I've got tons of new pictures to share and events to talk about, so I'm hoping I can stick with it!